Finding Time For Your Online Business

Time for SuccessOne of the biggest stumbling blocks people face concerning building their internet businesses is the fact that most people don’t have a lot of time. On the surface, these struggles may look like excuses. But, after the December I had, I know that finding time to succeed can be difficult.

However, I have also learned one very important lesson. If we say that we don’t have time, that becomes the reality we strive to achieve. Once I realized this, I knew I could break myself of the habit of thinking time was too limited for me to achieve my goals. Here are some tips I learned along the way.

Prioritize Important Tasks

What do you really want to achieve? Whatever it is, striving towards achieving it really should take up at least some of your time. So, if you find that there are no hours left, adjustments should be made. Perhaps you can try going to bed a little later, waking up a little earlier, or letting go of a meaningless activity, such as watching television. Finding success should be your priority.

Delegate As Much As Possible

Do you have trouble delegating tasks to others? If so, you are missing out on a very important concept. If you hire people or outsource those tasks that you don’t want to do, it will help accelerate your success. Not only that, but it will free up your time so that you can focus on those business tasks you truly will enjoy.

Avoid Procrastination

As a writer, I know how daunting certain tasks can be, which can cause procrastination. When I am unsure of where to start with my writing, I have a tendency to stare at the blank screen without taking action. In fact, just yesterday, I started at my computer screen for ten minutes because I didn’t know where to start while writing an article. In general, it helps to avoid procrastination and to take action. But how?

Set the Timer

I set my timer for fifteen minutes which seems to have solved my problem. I set my timer all the time now for any task that I’ve been putting off. Think you don’t have time for your business? Pick an activity, set the timer for fifteen minutes, and before you know it you will be well on your way to success.

I’ve learned the hard way that there is, in fact, enough time in the day to work on my internet marketing business goals. All I needed was to change my mindset and a few simple strategies.

Comments (2)

  1. Cynthia Dixon


    I enjoyed this article. I’ve been meaning to write down my daily/weekly goals but have been putting it off, but I know that if I have a plan of attack, I’ll be better prepared to manage my day.

    I’ll have to put setting a timer to use. I tend to get on social media and check email then, find myself wandering all over the net. Giving myself 15 minutes to check emails and messages will help keep me on track.

    Thanks for these very useful tips!


    1. Katherine (Post author)

      Cynthia, I have days like that all the time. Usually, one fifteen minute session is enough to get me back on track. Some days, it takes more than that. But if I stick with the timer eventually the fog clears. Thank you so much for your comment!


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